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Menstrual cycle on a rollercoaster?

Zyklus, Menstruationszyklus, Hormone

Zy·k·lus; succession, cycle
"circularly self-contained sequence of related processes; cycle of regularly recurring things or events"

Zyklus, Menstruationszyklus, Phasen, Jahreszeiten im Zyklus, Periode, Menstruation

Good to know...

There are many cycles, such as the phases of the moon, the tides of the sea, seasons, life cycles (from babies to old people), rainy and dry seasons in the tropics. Each of these influences the lives of us humans.
The menstrual cycle also plays an essential role in our lives. Without it, there is no new life! Each phase finely tuned and dependent on the previous phase.... How can this be?

Read here.

The miracle of your body

With the menstrual cycle, you have a very special, inner rhythm that brings physical, emotional and thus also mental changes with it. And all of this is triggered by various hormones and processes in the body, which you usually don't even notice.
What exactly is happening? Why are you full of energy and in a great mood for days on end and then limp and bitchy after a few days? What does this have to do with hormones? Read here.

Zyklus, Menstruationszyklus, Hormone, PMS, Probleme vor der Periode

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Seek a doctor's advice if you have questions about a medical condition. Never hesitate to seek professional medical advice.

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